About me
Xinghao Zuo
I am now a freshman at Queen's University at Kingston, majored in computer science. My intersted research includes: cognative science, data structure and linguistic.
I am looking for any research opportunities related to Data Structure.
I can speak English , German , Chinese and French .
Je peux parler anglais , allemand , chinois et français .
Ich kann Englisch , Deutsch , Chinesisch und Französisch sprechen.
我会说 英语 , 德语 , 汉语(普通话/国语) 以及 法语 。
Contacts: zuo.xinghao@queensu.ca or davidzuo0227@gamil.com
Research Experiences
- August 2018: summer research in Chinese Academy of Sciences. No paper published
currently none
Notes and Code
I mainly use Jupyter Notebook (Azure Notebook) to take lecture and reading notes, If you have any suggestions, you can contact me at zuo.xinghao@queensu.ca thank you!
Please note that most notes are only available in Chinese (Simplified) or English.
The Android Note is currently Java based. I may release the Kotlin Based note in the future.
目前Android笔记是基于Java的开发和学习笔记, 未来可能会有基于Kotlin的笔记。
All notes / 所有笔记
Lecture Notes: Python / 课程笔记:Python
Lecture Notes: Java / 课程笔记:Java
Lecture Notes: Android (Java Based) / 课程笔记:Android(基于Java)
Recent reading plan
郭霖 第一行代码————Android